Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sleep and Health

                                                                 Sleep and Health
It’s hot across the wire – the NYC Board of Health has put a ban on sugar-sweetened beverages. The ban is an amendment to the New York City Health Code, prohibiting the sale of sugar-sweetened beverages larger than 16 ounces in restaurants, delis, movie theaters, stadiums, food carts, and other venues throughout New York City. What some are calling the Bloomberg ban extends to any beverage with more than 25 calories per 8 ounces, including some sodas, coffees, teas, smoothies and lemonades. It excludes drinks such as milkshakes, drinks that are more than 70% fruit juice, and alcoholic beverages.

ATS-Strenghn Training and why you should Ats for Personal Training.

ATS-Strenghn  Training and why you should Ats for Personal Training.

You get long last result and learn what other training are consistently not doing to be to get client result and keep results. At ATS is a one-one private motivation session with a 15 years experience training that has help hundred of people. That is living a better healthier life and get better with making sure they know what the portion size of their food. They have better knowledge of how to workout in the gym, and do more home body stretching, have a clear understand of cardiovascular calories burn. So people have understand you should be training to what you do in life cause you should be training off to what you as far as family activities, work activities, House activities as far clothes basket moving, caring a TV around you house or Having cardiovascular system that give you the energy so your able energy for stay actively breathing so that your digestive system stay functional so you bones, joint can get the fuel it need to stay young.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The 3 Best Exercises for Your Butt

The 3 Best Exercises for Your Butt

Ask any woman: If there’s one thing that’s worse than fat, it’s dimply fat. After all, everyone hates cellulite. And that goes double for the ladies.
Yes, this affliction plagues some men, but it’s far more prevalent in females. In fact, up to 98 percent of adult women have some degree of cellulite, according to a recent paper from Cornell University. Read: It doesn’t matter if you’re carrying around extra pounds or are as skinny as a model, cellulite could still be a problem—especially on your butt. Just ask actress Rachel Nichols, who stars in the action movie, Conan.
Eight years ago, when Rachel was working as a model, she noticed that a cottage-cheese-like complexion began to appear on her backside. “I was a 23-year old model, but I didn’t work out or eat right,” she says. “I looked good in clothes, though.”
Her strategy: Avoid making eye contact with her own butt. “You’re always told that cellulite is hereditary, and that there’s nothing you can do,” says Rachel. “You just have to live with it.” Or so she thought.
Soon after, Rachel landed a recurring role on the hit show Alias. That’s when she hired celebrity trainer Valerie Waters, who was already working with Jennifer Garner. “When we first met, Valerie said, ‚ÄòYou’re a little soft,’” recalls Rachel. “And she was right: I was skinny-fat.”
But a few weeks later? “I started noticing that the cellulite was going away. And after several months, it had disappeared completely,” says Rachel. “No massaging, no strange equipment, no nonsense. Just hard work, 3 or 4 times a week, along with a good diet.”
While there are many theories to the actual cause of cellulite, one point that’s not disputed: It’s fat. So even if you’re still thin when cellulite starts to appear, the dimply area is likely the product of an increase in body fat. Think about it: A guy can be lean, but not have six-pack abs. The reason you can’t see his washboard is simply because a layer of fat is deposited just under the skin, hiding the muscle. That doesn’t have to equate to a beer gut, of course; softening up is a gradual process. And the midsection is the place where many guys seem to collect fat initially.
For lots of women, fat tends to first accumulate on their butts and the backs of their thighs. But that’s just one part of the problem. The other? The area where fat is stored under the skin seems to have a different structure than elsewhere on the body. And as those fat cells increase in size, this structural abnormality begins to become visible on the surface of the skin, leaving indentations. That’s cellulite. The more those fat cells inflate, the more evident the cellulite becomes. The flipside: Lose the fat; say goodbye to cellulite.
Trouble is, just as the butt is often the first place fat starts to appear, it’s frequently the last place it disappears. Which may explain why it seems like you can’t shake the cellulite. The truth is, consistency and patience are your friends.
“In my experience, it can take up to a year for cellulite to go completely away,” says Valerie, who has also trained Cindy Crawford, Jessica Biel, and Sasha Alexander. “But it can start to get noticeably better within weeks. And that can be very motivating, which will help you stick with it.”
So what’s Valerie’s secret? “First and foremost, you have to eat a smart diet,” she says. “But you can get slower results or faster results, depending on how disciplined you want to be. There are different options for every lifestyle and goal.”
For those who want to zap cellulite fastest, Valerie recommends that you eliminate processed foods altogether. That includes foods that contain added sugar—soda, baked goods, and candy—as well as those products that have been highly refined, such as white bread, white pasta, and French fries. She also advises that you limit alcohol consumption to two drinks a week. The upshot: You eat a whole foods diet, with an emphasis on lean meats and fresh produce. “That doesn’t mean grilled chicken and steamed broccoli forever,” says Waters. “But six weeks of being super-dedicated can speed your results and give you the momentum to keep at it.”
Of course, Waters will tell you that her true expertise is using exercise to tone and tighten a woman’s butt and thighs. How does she do it? With fast-paced circuit-training that burns tons of fat, improves cardiovascular fitness, and strengthens every muscle in the body, especially targeting the glutes and hamstrings.
Here’s a quick breakdown: A typical workout might be comprised of 3 separate circuits. Each circuit is usually 3 to 5 exercises. For the first circuit, you do one exercise after the next—around 10 to 15 reps of each—with no rest in between. Once you’ve completed all the exercises, you then rest for about a minute, and repeat the entire circuit one to two more times. When you’ve finished, you move on to the second circuit, and then the third, following the same procedure for each.
While Valerie makes sure you work your entire body, she has advises an important cellulite-squelching ratio: do two lower body exercises for every one upper body exercise. It’s an approach that’s supported by research. In a recent Syracuse University study, scientists found that people burned more calories the day after they did lower-body resistance training than the day after they worked their upper body. The likely reason: “Leg muscles—like your quads and glutes—generally have more muscle mass than those of your chest and arms,” says study author Kyle Hackney, Ph.D. (c), C.S.C.S. “Work more muscle during your exercise session, and your body has to expend more energy to repair and upgrade those muscles later.”
So blend the breath-taking pace of a circuit routine with the metabolism-boosting benefits of weight work, and you’ll start to smooth out that orange-peel pattern on your rear end. What’s more, the improvement in strength and fitness you experience will allow you to work harder and harder each workout—dipping into your fat stores to torch even more calories, and achieve even faster results.


How often should I exercise?

                                                  How often should I exercise?

According to the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association, healthy adults need at least:
•30 minutes of moderate activity on five days each week - such as brisk walking, yoga or dancing; or 

•20 minutes of intense activity on three days each week - such as jogging, swimming or aerobic dance; and 

•20 minutes of strength training three times a week

How can strength training benefit me?

                    How can strength training benefit me?
Strength training can help you burn more fat than aerobic or cardiovascular exercise alone. Weight training keeps the loss of your muscle mass to a minimum, which will help you perform better during aerobic activities. The resulting increase in muscle mass will also raise your basal metabolic rate (resting metabolism). A weight training routine should hit all major muscle groups. Many men concentrate on building their arms and chest because of the highly visible results, but don't forget about the back and legs. Building up these areas may not yield immediate visual results, but it won't take long to feel some gains.


Definition of Strength Training

Have you ever thought or daydreamed about having a more powerful and simply stunning body? You can achieve such results by getting up on your feet now and starting working out the resistance training way.
If you have seen exercises that work the muscles properly by including the use of weights, machines, and even one's own body weight then you are most likely to be looking at resistance training in action.
Some people call it strength training or weight training and this technique is very effective in shaping a healthier body.
Usually, training method like this is used by athletes who need to build up their bodies. So it is no surprise that many people would assume that when resistance training is executed, the body will grow larger.
The truth is that it will not become that way at all.
It is the strength of the body that will rise and not the muscle size whenever resistance training is applied.
This method can be trained by anyone since what it does is build and tone the body's muscles thus giving them a more pleasing look.
Even senior citizens can be allowed into this program. This group of people will undergo training steps that are suitable for them like standing free-weight resistance or the medium intensity seated machine training.
Bench press, dumbbell, or barbell are some of the many workout types of equipment and machines that are associated with a resistance training program.
When such equipment is used, the muscle is put to the challenge against that weight.
By adapting to the extra weight, the cells of the body will then result in hypertrophy or the expanding and increasing of the nerve cells to assist with muscle contraction.
It is a good practice to first consult with your doctor before commencing any form of resistance training. This is especially important for people who are diagnosed with any medical conditions or are overweight.
Take note that this kind of program is not one of those things that you can delve into on your own. The knowledge of getting the proper equipment according to the needs of your body is essential.
Another crucial aspect to consider is to have your body conditioned initially before you start working with the weights.
Although the weights provide great leverage for your workout sessions, resistance training can also be achieved without applying those types of equipment.
Push-up is one wonderful example because it can be done at any place as long as you have enough space for movement. In this case, your muscles are being challenged by your own body mass.
The various benefits of resistance training are as follows.
Throughout your resistance training program, the bones are consistently remodeled. What this means is that the muscle tissues break down at the very same moment they build up.
The peak of this modifying process occurs during puberty but as you grow older there may be issues with the bone mineral density since the remodeling may not be as functioning as before. Post-menopausal women will experience this problem more apparent.
Bone mineral density is mostly backed by hormones.
To solve the issue of the lack of hormones to keep up the bone mineral density, the physical workout is the option to take with resistance training as one type of activity that you can consider as a solution.
A resistance training program will produce strong bones and muscles as long as you commit to the workout.
When your body can perform the exercises with a considerable amount of weight, your capabilities to tackle more strenuous activities will greatly increase.
You are more likely to lead an active lifestyle because that lazy feeling is minimized.
Challenging your muscle with the weights will definitely melt away those undesirable fats. Believe that the body tone will shape up and as you become leaner, you will start to look better.
For the elderly, committing to resistance training will assist in their recuperation process and minimize the risks associated with age.
They are able to perform a basic task without the need for help from other people. Being more independent like this can absolutely decrease the danger of injuries to them.
With consistent sessions of resistance training, you can be assured of a lowered heart rate and also lowered blood pressure. This is especially true after any exercise and the risk of heart disorders is reduced greatly.
However, this kind of program must be done correctly with commitment and long-term consistency.
Follow the schedule as recommended by your doctor or trainer and do it regularly. If not done properly, the benefits of the training may not be achieved and could result in injury.
The main point here is to just take your time by doing the motion correctly one step at a time.
Once your body is conditioned to take the training, you can proceed to more demanding tasks. How strong your body will become and its look, on the whole, are at stake in such a resistance training program so just be sure to enjoy it properly.